Aurik Blog


Written by Pavlo Phitidis | Jul 9, 2019 12:58:56 PM

I have just completed a book about the ideas, thoughts and more valuably, the direct experience in building successful and a few failed businesses. The only thing standing in the way of the book’s release in September is a title. I’ve been nagging Bruce Whitfield to help me with a title. Tired of my nagging Bruce caught me off guard last week on #TheMoneyShow and put the challenge out to the listeners. The ideas flooded in. Good, bad, ugly, great there were so many ideas but unfortunately none to my publishers liking.  It is back to the drawing board for #NameTheBook.

So, I’m taking courage from Bruce’s idea to ask for your help to #NameTheBook that will ultimately result in the design of a cool and compelling cover. I've outlined some of the ideas contained in the book to fuel your thoughts and spark creativity. If your title is selected, I would love to have you at the October launch (physically or digitally), acknowledged, credited and gifted with a copy. Mostly, I’ll be very grateful for your help to satisfy the publisher, get the book on the shelves by September and into the hands of business owners.

Please share using #NameTheBook on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter.

Some of the ideas you'll find in the book: 

Asset of Value

The book is about an Asset of Value, what it is, how to build a business into one and why it should be the only purpose of a business owner. It’s also about real businesspeople that I’ve worked with and how, against so many odds, succeeded in building their businesses into an Asset of Value.  #NameTheBook.


People issues will stall any business which makes finding the right people to do the right thing at the right time mission critical. In #NameTheBook you will meet Oren, a brilliant entrepreneur who built a R18m business in three years. Through Oren’s journey you will learn how to turn people issues into a growth path.

Time –

Time runs out and although we may wait to make things happen, time doesn’t! #NameTheBook clears the confusion between spending time and investing time and shows how time invested into the right actions turn a business into a wealth generating asset for you and your family.


So many people advise “you need to scale to get to the next level”. #NameTheBook reveals the truth about scale, what it really means, how to ‘bake it into your business’, what works and doesn’t work in getting it right.

Accelerating Growth -

This is a key theme in #NameTheBook. What does getting to the next level mean? How do you do it and emerge with a business that has profoundly more value than it did before your efforts?

Buffet wants to buy a business

Imagine Warren Buffet is in town to buy Jack’s business. How will business owner Jack win the negotiation? In #NameTheBook, Jack becomes the price maker using Asset of Value arguments to make Buffet pay more.


In #NameTheBook I write about resilience extensively. It’s found both in attitude and in how you design and build your business so that your team can share the heavy lifting of staying relevant and growing in a no-growth economy.

A secret sauce formula

Yes, there is one and it’s in #NameTheBook. It’s a formula that emerged from 12 businesses we built and sold that yielded remarkable returns and is applied in all that we do to grow in a ‘dead’ economy.

Winning Mindset

#NameTheBook, highlights the winning and loser mindsets of business owners. Awareness of current mindset, snapping out of the mindset that doesn’t serves you or your business is a technique. And yes, there is very definitely a universal wrong and right mindset.

Family business -

Family businesses can be the most humane place to work or utter hell with rampant misdirected energies. #NameTheBook explores the dark days and eventual light of my personal journey with my dad. I love family business because of this history.

Wealth through Business

#NameTheBook talks about how, using your business, the three elements of wealth are created – making money, growing that money, protecting your money.